Designing Yellow Box Junctions
Duration: 1 day (10am to 4pm)

Course Structure
The offence
The purpose of boxes
The law in regards to design and placement
How to design new and review existing boxes to ensure they are exactly the required size
Driver visibility
Different junction types
Research into effectiveness, including keep clear markings
Impact on traffic flow
Consideration of cyclists and pedestrians
Setting out, implementation and maintenance
Key adjudication (appeal) decisions
Evidence required to prove an offence
A design workshop including case studies and the opportunity to review boxes in participants area.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will understand:
The offence, including when a vehicle is and isn’t in contravention
The key purpose of a yellow box
Where yellow boxes can be placed legally
Best practice for box placement
How to design a new box to only cover the area necessary.
How to review an existing box
How to assess driver visibility
Evidence required to prove an offence
How to produce a setting out drawing for a new box

Sam Wright was formally responsible for the design and approval of yellow boxes on the TfL network. He has assessed, monitored and designed hundreds of boxes at all manner of junctions. He also has knowledge of over 100 key cases from adjudicators. He has written for the RAC, CIHT and national media and is the UK's leading expert on the topic.
The course can be delivered in house either via Teams or in person at your premises for up to 15 people.
Contact for more info and prices