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Roadmarking Reviews

When roads are resurfaced, it presents an opportunity for improvements at a low cost. However most contractors are not comfortable with taking design decisions and simply replace 'like for like', resulting in missed opportunities and unnecessary paint on our roads. Sam Wright was formally responsible for running a programme of reviewing road markings as part of the capital renewals programme in London and has also carried out this task for boroughs and contractors. Through this he pioneered the removal of centre lines which resulted in reduced speeds and received international press coverage. As a chartered engineer he is fully comfortable with taking CDM design responsibility for changes. We carry out a full assessment of all existing road markings and provide full setting out drawings for contractors. The reviews look at 3 main aspects:


1. Clutter

Every line, hatch-marking, symbol, text or arrow has an associated cost and lifetime of maintenance. Markings should only be replaced that are absolutely necessary. As well as a cost saving, less markings also results in reduced risk for operatives through less time spent on a live carriageway. A reduction in traffic management and associated delays is also achieved as it is no longer required to maintain / refresh the lines.


2. Improvements

We throughly review every aspect of the road such as lane widths, lane layouts, arrows, keep clears, yellow boxes, cycle lanes, parking and loading restrictions, centre lines etc. For example, sub standard cycle lane can be a safety hazard and the opportunity that resurfacing provides can be taken to either widen or remove them. Traffic lane widths can also eg be reconfigured to provide wider near side lanes to aid cyclists. 


3. Legality

A full assessment of all line types to ensure they comply with the TSRGD and any associated regulations. 


Setting Out

Accurate setting out drawings are vital to ensure line markings are actually implemented correctly. Sam has worked with line marking contractors to ensure they are simple and practical. Stanko has extensive experience of setting out both on site and through drawings in the UK and Australia. Using topo surveys (either supplied or we can undertake), we provide full setting out drawings with line markings dimensioned from fixed points, ensuring operatives are able to easily set out on site. We can also produce setting out drawings for like for like line marking replacements and new schemes.  


Before/After Examples

cycle lane.png
Clutter 2.png

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